emika posted some awesome posts and pics while i wasnt here. wonderful!
what i did during the time is... trip!
ive been to korea for 4days and had so nice time.
wonderful (spicy though) food, cheap and nice clothes and cosmetics...
i bought a lot but it didnt cost much! wana go there again pretty soon.
by the way are you aware of the earthquake occured in Tohoku Japan?
im in Tokyo so i didnt get so big shake at that time, but it was terrible...
my friends from korea worries about japan and she asks me some questions
according to her, there are some information given but sometimes its wrong..
so i wonder how people outside japan aware of and know about it and asking now.
but through facebook and some other SNS, ive seen so many messages and prays for japan
was given by many people in foreign countries... im so happy ;)
im also hoping and praying everything will be alright soon.